Dea Coaching

Ready to create an empowered and confident you?

Get involved in the Butterfly Membership, lets get empowered and inspired to create transformation in your life

Does this sound like you?

• You struggle with low confidence every day and feel like you want to shy away from the world?

• You struggle with anxiety every day and struggle to cope with daily living.

• You struggle with making decisions and taking action and feel the fear of getting things wrong.

• You struggle with enjoying life and feel like you have no spark left.

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

Where you woke up feeling like you can face the world. Feeling like you have a spring in your step where you are excited about what is to come, you feel strong and free.

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

You felt able to manage whatever life throws at your, that you can manage your anxiety and have the ability to enjoy and take back your control. You now have created an unbreakable mindset.

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

You wake up feeling good about yourself and aren't shy to step away from saying to opportunities that you wish you could do. You can now transform your life to be exactly how you want it to be You finally feel confident

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

I was exactly where you are, feeling lost, lonely, my CPTSD was at breaking point and I felt I wanted to run away. I became isolated, my confidence was shattered and I didn't know where to turn.

I then created changes in my life that literally transformed my world into what it is today. I want to share it all with you.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

The Butterfly Membership!

I have created an incredible membership for you that is filled with tools, techniques and ways to manage life with its ups and downs. I have guest experts in various fields bringing incredible insights to you as well as monthly journal prompts, meditations/visualisations and affirmation.

I will be your coach, your right hand woman and support you throughout this incredible journey. I am so proud of you.

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy/join:


Monthly Coaching

I will coach you throughout the membership, included in your bundle will be me coaching you on the topic that month via recorded videos and support in my DMs

Value: £555



A monthly workbook that is created on the topic for the month for you to work through and get yourself thinking, transforming your mindset and pushing through any limiting beliefs

Value: £20


Journal Prompts

A set of journal prompts to create a clear direction and help you on your journey of reflection, empowerment and inspiration

Value: £11.11



A powerful meditation or visualisation to create a peaceful mind, a calm nervous system and ground you to feeling relaxed, reset and recharged. The visualisations will guide you to your most confident, powerful self to gain clarity

Value: £100


Facebook Group

A private Facebook group where I will share more insights, have guest experts on and where we come together to support each other on our journey

Value: £200


Monthly Live

I will go live monthly on the topic, where you can have an opportunity to be coached during the live

Value: £199

A total value of: £1085.11!!!

Join now for just £33.33

“You have truly saved me and supported in ways I couldn't imagine"

— Kay

“I feel so calm and relaxed after the session, this is exactly what I needed”

— Jen

“Wow that was so powerful! I need to keep your words in my mind to keep me strong and keep me going”

— J

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you join us and you’re not satisfied here is what we’ll offer you...

A free half hour coaching session to help you peel back those layers and see how I can help you on your journey

© Copyright 2023 Dea Coaching.